Bing gained 0.2% share of search market in America in August 2012. As per data provided by comScore, Bing hit an all-time high with 15.9% share in August, compared to 15.7% share in July.
Since January 2012, Bing has gained a total of 0.7% share, while compared to one year ago, the formerly known as "Decision Engine" has gained a total of 1.2% share.
Yahoo’s search market share dropped to 12.8% share in August, compared to 13.0% in June and July (or, a drop of 0.2% share).
Search market share for the combo of Bing and Yahoo which is also known as the Search Alliance, was unchanged. Bing gained 0.2% share, while Yahoo dropped 0.2% share. In term of total share, the Search Alliance hit 28.7% share in August.
Google’s search market share dropped slightly to 66.4%, compared to 66.8% share in June and July (or, a drop of 0.4%). The world’s largest search engine suffered the largest drop of share during a span of one month.
(Data source: comScore)