Bing continued to slow-but-stable gaining search engine share in January 2012 in America. According to the latest web traffic data provided by comScore, the Doing Engine increased to 15.2% share of searches, compared to December 2011 which was at 15.1% (or an increase of 0.1% share).
Bing’s rival Google also went up in January and captured 66.2% share, compared to 65.9% share in December (or an increase of 0.3% share).
Bing’s partner Yahoo dropped to 14.1% share in January, compared to 14.5% share in December (or a drop of 0.4% share).
The Search Alliance combo totaled 29.3% share in January, compared to 29.6% share in December (or a drop of 0.3% share).
(Table: comScore)